发布于 1970-01-01 08:00
  • 1 个回答
    • 首先创建需要的Model, 增加'将要保存有表单提交过来的值的'属性和对应的验证规则/场景.
      加载Model到视图中, 在创建每个表单项时指定属性对应的Model, 如:$form->field($marketModel, 'market')->textinput();
      提交表单, 然后参考下面的步骤 进行加载, 验证, 保存.

      1. instantiate model classes
      2. populate the models attributes with input data
      3. validate all models
      4. If validation passes for all models, save them
      5. If validation fails or no data has been submitted, display the form
      by passing all model instances to the view

      2022-12-01 18:31 回答
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